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Sanne Vermeulen
Sep 5, 2023
The Importance of Sleep for your DOG.
I don't know who came up with the saying 'A tired dog is a good dog'. I think it does a disservice to a lot of dogs and owners. The...

Sanne Vermeulen
Jan 10, 2023
6 Activities to a calmer dog!
Is your dog a bit hyper at home and you don't know how to calm him down? Or do they follow you around the house all day? Don't seem to...

Sanne Vermeulen
Nov 11, 2022
Your dog does NOT need Doggy Daycare
Here’s a controversial post that may offend a few people and businesses. Every week I get emails of new clients that their dog struggles...

Sanne Vermeulen
Oct 10, 2022
Different Types of Dog Aggression
All dogs have some sort of aggression in them. Just like we humans have. Not all aggression is the same however. Let's have a look at the...

Sanne Vermeulen
Oct 10, 2022
You don't solve the problem whilst you're in the middle of it.
You can't teach a dog to NOT be afraid of fireworks, as the fireworks go off. You can't teach a dog to NOT be afraid of the vet, as he's...

Sanne Vermeulen
Oct 10, 2022
No pull equipment DOESN'T exist
Here's an unpopular opinion for your average dog facebook group. There is NO SUCH THING as no pull equipment. The only thing this sort of...

Sanne Vermeulen
Oct 10, 2022
Your dog is NOT friendly, he's harassing others.
Let’s set the scene. This may become a bit sensitive for some, and I apologise in advance. You’re out somewhere. You might be at a...

Sanne Vermeulen
Oct 10, 2022
Dog training is your responsibility, not the trainer.
Let’s talk about dog training and how it actually works. What do you mean, you might think? I hire the trainer, and the dog gets fixed....

Sanne Vermeulen
Oct 10, 2022
Doing nothing, is also doing something.
So many of my clients focus lies on what (undesirable) behaviour their dog is doing. But when their dog isn't doing anything, that often...

Sanne Vermeulen
Aug 25, 2022
Why Marker Words Are SUPER Important.
We tend to talk too much too our dog, and much of it is unnecessary. Here are my top 6 marker words and some instructions to effectively...

Sanne Vermeulen
Aug 25, 2022
Creating a calmer dog in the house by doing this simple exercise.
Reward what you like to have more of!

Sanne Vermeulen
Aug 16, 2022
Home Made Dog Biscuit Recipe
Want to make your own dog biscuits? Lenyx and Zelda LOVE the ones I make myself and they always get these when they go into their crate...

Sanne Vermeulen
Aug 3, 2022
3 Confidence Building Games for your (anxious) dog!
Have you got a bit of an anxious dog? A dog that seems a bit low in confidence and is easily afraid of new objects and sounds? Here's 3...

Sanne Vermeulen
Jul 26, 2022
The risks of loving our dog too much.
We know you love your dog. But there is something like loving your dog too much. Or more so, by catering to him, constantly cooing and...

Sanne Vermeulen
Jan 20, 2022
Why I believe in Corrections and you should too.
What an odd question, for a dog training page isn't it? Why am I asking it? Everyone speeds sometimes. It may be 5 km over the speed...

Sanne Vermeulen
May 20, 2021
Boundaries, structure and rules!
Dogs rely on the structure which we provide for them. They need it to live in our world properly and successfully. When they are given no...

Sanne Vermeulen
May 18, 2021
Relationship is the cornerstone of dog training. Many trainers talk about but not a lot of them actually explain it properly. It took me...

Sanne Vermeulen
Nov 19, 2020
Canine Calmness, how can we help our dogs be more relaxed?
Unfortunately many owners have hyper dogs, anxious dogs, or dogs that just won’t settle. Instead of going straight for the medication.....
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